About Australian opals and opal jewellery care

Australian opals are among the most sought-after gemstones in the world, renowned for their vibrant play-of-color and unique beauty. These precious stones are predominantly mined in Australia, with significant sources located in regions such as Coober Pedy, Lightning Ridge, and Boulder.

Types of Australian Opals
  1. Black Opal: Found mainly in Lightning Ridge, these opals are known for their dark body tone which enhances the vibrant colors displayed within the stone.
  2. Boulder Opal: Mined in Queensland, these opals are characterized by their ironstone inclusions, adding to their unique appearance.
  3. White Opal: Also known as milky opals, these are found in Coober Pedy and have a light, opaque body tone with subtle color flashes.
  4. Crystal Opal: These opals are transparent to semi-transparent and can display vivid colors. They are often found in Coober Pedy and other Australian opal fields.
Unique Features
  • Play-of-Color: Australian opals are famous for their play-of-color, a phenomenon where the stone displays multiple colors as it is viewed from different angles.
  • Durability: While opals are softer than other gemstones, Australian opals are relatively stable and can be worn daily with proper care.
Buying Australian Opal Jewellery

When purchasing Australian opal jewellery, consider the type of opal, its color play, and the setting. Each opal is unique, making every piece of jewellery one-of-a-kind.

How to care Australia's national gemstone
Care Tips for Australian Opal Jewellery
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals
    Keep your opal jewellery away from household cleaners, perfumes, and hairsprays. These chemicals can damage the surface and reduce the opal's shine and clarity. Avoid prolonged exposure to hot or chlorinated water.
  • Gentle Cleaning
    Clean your solid opal jewellery with a soft, damp cloth. If necessary, use a mild soap and water solution, but make sure to rinse and dry thoroughly. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaning.
  • Proper Storage
    Store your opal jewellery in a cool, dry place. Use a soft pouch or a jewellery box with padding to prevent scratches. Keep each piece separate to avoid contact with harder gemstones or metals.
  • Protect from Physical Impact
    Opals can be scratched or chipped more easily than harder gemstones. Remove your opal rings or bracelets when doing activities that could cause impact, such as gardening, sports, or heavy lifting.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures
    Sudden changes in temperature can cause opals to crack. Avoid exposing your jewellery to extreme heat or cold, such as leaving them in a hot car or near a heater.
  • Periodic Professional Check-Ups
    Have your opal jewellery checked by a professional jeweller periodically to ensure the settings are secure and the opal is in good condition.
Additional Care for Opal Doublets and Triplets
  • Avoid Water Exposure
    Doublets and triplets should be kept dry. Water can seep between the layers, causing the stone to appear cloudy. Avoid immersing them in water
  • Gentle Cleaning
    Clean opal doublets and triplets with a damp cloth only. Avoid submersion and harsh cleaning methods. Do not use ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaning.

By following these care tips, you can keep both your solid and doublet/triplet Australian opal jewellery looking beautiful and vibrant for years to come.

Opal collection